Tap into one of your company’s most valuable assets — your suppliers! Contract manufacturers of engineered parts have developed expertise across a broad range of specialized manufacturing processes. They are invaluable resources who can provide insights into engineering design, materials, manufacturing processes and packaging. Leveraging suppliers’ knowhow can translate into significant cost saving and even result in a competitive advantage. Make supplier innovation “business-as-usual” with a systemic approach. Take the chaos out of your product launch process. Know what’s coming.

Drive Cost and Process Improvement through Supplier Collaboration

  • Capture both internal and supplier change requests
  • Build a structured, workflow driven VA/VE process
  • Rationalize innovation by commodity and type
    • Automatically route ideas to the appropriate person
    • Prioritize ideas for nomination
    • Promote selected ideas into projects and track their impact the organization
    • Reward suppliers who contribute valuable innovations
Take the chaos out of your product launch process.
Know what’s coming with LiveSource.